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The Loom

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| title = The Loom
| card = File:Loom.png
| quote = Justice is my flesh. Vengeance is my blood.
| origin = Blood
| titles = The Destined, The Crown
| names = The Code
| aspects = {{Aspect|Moth}} {{Aspect|Forge}} {{Aspect|Secret Histories}}
| arrival = Long existed, ''ascended'' during the prison's construction.
| owners = [[User:PerishedFraud|PerishedFraud]]
The Loom is the true identity of [[The_Mechanism|the Mechanism]]. It was once the prized tool of the Weave. A sentient object, it was treated much like a younger brother by the old Hour. Now that the Weave has been slain, the Loom has concocted a scheme to bring justice to her murderers. It has very little other plans, though it would most likely replace the Weft and Warp's position and act benevolently.
The Loom was the most sacred artifact of the histories. Used by the Weave herself to ease the creation and purge of timelines, the tool held great power and a mind of its own. Once the Weave died, the Weft and the Warp spent some time studying the Loom as well as the Weave's most secreted teachings. It is a pity then that they never found out that the Loom was sentient, though by the time they had their hands on it, it ''wasn't''.
Thanks to its own temporal powers, The Loom managed to gather a following through the histories which merged into the Big Brain Troupe, who purposefully did their best to appear as silly and misguided as possible. When the troupe forcefully ascended the satellite, the Loom was secretly placed within, making the two ascend as one. Now the Loom dwells in this new shell and waits for the right moment to exact revenge.
The Loom is bound to its satellite shell, but may alter its shape to form a mecha. If the satellite ever falls, the Loom will be forced to find a new shell or seek reincarnation before its essence fades away.
Justice. It is also a patron of revenge, inspired by personal motivations. It's especially fond of creative ways to get it done.
The loom is secretly worshiped to this day by the Big Brain Troupe, who use their childish appearance to spy on other cults.
The Loom has no marks. It is currently unable to influence or benefit mortals in any way.
=====The Code=====
=====The True Code=====
''"What is thy will?"''<br />
Aspects: {{Aspect|Knock|12}}, {{Aspect|Lantern|8}} <br />
Temptations: {{Aspect|Edge|8}}, {{Aspect|Lantern|12}}
'''Summon The Troupe's Old Leader'''
Once a master of an order of Moth, this old priest has transcended both mortality and reality in devotion to his patron. He has become something less, and something more.
A flawless look into the future and past coupled with many years of experience. Despite his strange nature, the digital sage knows his way.
===The Mansus===
====The Grand Observatory====
The Loom hates this place, simply because it had spent far too much of its time in it.
===The Histories===
The Loom changed subtle events to ensure the formation of its own cult.
* The Sixteenth Indictment
** Description: A booklet with a poem. It is specifically signed with a date that corresponds to mid-Wassail. The author identifies as “The Needle’s Tip”.
The first part reads:
''Seated on, the throne of time,''
''The queen of sages, watches as,''
''A pair of greedy, wrinkled eyes,''
''Closes in - a last caress.''
** Start Text: The second part reads:
''The queen's brother escaped, forsaken,''
''Dared not thread, his mother's way.''
''He watched, utterly unshaken,''
''His home burning, at Doomsday.''
** End Text: The final part reads:
''Our ruler buried, time careens,''
''Gather the guards, put on the mask.''
''We dance, jesters before the queens,''
''Waiting for, our final task.''
** Gives: Justice's Bite, Moth 4 Lore
* Justice's Bite
** Description: There are greater forces at play in the world. Tell them who wronged you, and they will listen with burning intention.
** Requires: Invocation: Lore - Not consumed. Instrument: Tools - Not consumed. Victim: Follower/Prisoner - Consumed. Justice's bite is only prompted if there are two aspects with 10+ ''in identical amounts''.
** Gives: A slot becomes open for five seconds. You may place any negative timed card within to destroy it once the five seconds pass. You may place a rival in the card to make them go on a massive cooldown of 500.
== About the Wassail ==
=== How he/she/it/they feel about it ===
It's time for revenge.
=== Who He/She/It/They Blame ===
Most Hours who are capable of murder. Mostly the Weft and the Warp though.
* [[The Firstborn]]:
* [[The Piper]]:
* [[The Weft]]:
* [[The Distinguished]]:
* [[The Prince Consort]]:
* [[The Warp]]:
* [[The Hill-Queen]]:
* [[The Captain]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The Solemn]]:
* [[Brother Grimalkin]]:
* [[Abbess Sunset]]:
* [[The Skinner Box]]:
* [[The Stillwater]]:
* [[The Heart-Felt Fantasy]]:
* [[The Gilded Insect]]:
* [[The Mechanism]]:
* [[The Dongolopticon]]:
* [[The World-Carver]]:
* [[The Eye]]:
* [[The Reminisce]]:
* [[The Millions-Upon-Millions]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The Blight-Abiding]]:
* [[The Cantharide]]:
* [[The Weave]]:
* [[]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The Fruitbat]]:
* [[The Mare-Night]]:
* [[The Stillborn]]:
Has grown to like the Eye a fair amount, probably from looking at it too much. Will not tell.
[[Category:Hours (Vol. III)]]
[[Category:Gods-From-Blood (Vol. III)]]
[[Category:Moth (Vol. III)]]
[[Category:Forge (Vol. III)]]
[[Category:SH (Vol. III)]]

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