The Highest Clearing

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The Highest Clearing is a Fansus location accessible from The Wood.




  • I stumbled through the Wood blindly till I found an especial place. Special, for it was not of the wood. A clearing, bound by no trees. I breathed in the air and tasted not a hint of the leafy chlorophyll. One would not think the Tail brings peace, yet it was peaceful that night as I lay on the floor of the field and stared upwards at the light of the Glory, so dim down here.
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  • Last night, as I wandered the Wood, I came across a lifeless patch of land. The bare dirt clung to my feet as I walked, and here and there I could see the bones of creatures unable to survive in the desolate clearing. When those sad bones began to grab at my skin as I passed, I awoke, terror caught in my throat.
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