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The Mendicant Without

470 bytes added, 16:34, 3 July 2018
== Relationships ==
* [[The Anaconda]]: After the Mendicant disobeyed the Great Serpent's decree, breaking the truce within the Fourth History, the Anaconda was the Hour which exiled the Mendicant from the Fansus. Only the Delver's interference prevented the Anaconda from slaying the Mendicant on the spot; if the Delver was to be harmed by the Mendicant, that safety would surely be nullified.
* [[The Aged Bones]]: The Mendicant Without has been witnessed wandering by the Aged Bones' stained glass windows, where they occasionally hold a brief conversation. Sometimes the Aged Bones passes on secrets that she allows the Mendicant to spread among its followers.* [[The Caladrius]]: '''FNORD'''* [[The Architeuthian]]: As one of the few Hours who has allowed him access into the Mansus (specifically, [[the Aquarium]], the Architeuthian is greatly appreciated by the Mendicant, whose gratefulness blinds it to the debt it is accumulating in so doing.* [[The Watcher in the Window]]: '''FNORD'''* [[The Elder Sister]]: The Witch-of-the-Woods sees in the Mendicant the same intriguing qualities that give her a fondness for humans. She would love to invite it into her Court, and never allow it to leave. The Mendicant, though it fears it, has also started to see its hatred of the Mansus as a useful tool.
* [[The Apple-of-the-Eye]]: Once permitted to the topmost parts of the House, now loathed and exiled for an unknown slight. Never again will the Apple permit him.
* [[The Silver Owl]]: '''FNORD'''
* [[The Snow-Stained]]: The Bully's Stick has no strong feelings about the Mendicant one way or another, but as in all things, it finds the separation of walls dissatisfying. It has attempted in the past to create a hole through which the Mendicant could pass, and will likely do so again in the future.
* [[The Fanged Bramble]]: The Mendicant fears this Hour greatly, as it is the primary reason why it never dares enter the Wood.
* [[The Bright-Delver]]: The Delver interceded on the Mendicant's behalf to prevent its death by Anaconda, and is doing her best to teach it how to be a proper Hour.
* [[The Insidious]]: The Insidious is on good terms with the Mendicant, having formed a secret alliance with it for mutual protection against some of the older, more established Hours.
* [[The Snow-Stained]]: The Bully's Stick has no strong feelings about the Mendicant one way or another, but as in all things, it finds the separation of walls dissatisfying. It has attempted in the past to create a hole through which the Mendicant could pass, and will likely do so again in the future.
* [[The Fanged Bramble]]: The Mendicant fears this Hour greatly, as it is the primary reason why it never dares enter the Wood.
* [[The Aged Bones]]: The Mendicant Without has been witnessed wandering by the Aged Bones' stained glass windows, where they occasionally hold a brief conversation. Sometimes the Aged Bones passes on secrets that she allows the Mendicant to spread among its followers.
== See Also ==

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