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Mother Songbird

1,634 bytes added, 16:38, 23 May 2020
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Mother Songbird is was once a dead Hour, as much as Hours can be deadand had limited influence on the world. She has gone to since returned from Nowhere, and thus has limited influence in inflicts her will upon the worldwith savage grief. She mourns the loss of her husband. She mourns the loss of her child. She was a mother to many Hours, and so she is the patron of all mothers. But it was childbirth that killed her, so she curses the immortal parents with alukicy.
In the early days of Man, or perhaps even before them, Mother Songbird descended from the Glory with the Old Wyrm, her male counterpart and lover. Their couplings brought forth new gods for the fledgling mankind and Mother Songbird cared for them with all her love, even those that would come to be scorned by others. Even those that would refuse her care. Even those that would do her harm. And inevitably The Crime of the Sky is a fundamental fact of the universe, much like the existence of a Glory and the existence of a Nowhere. But Mother Songbird found a way around it. With every child she bore unto the world her body would die in the process. But from her own body, she would rise again, rebirthed anew to care for her child. But each time, she was weaker. Father Wyrm was subject the hunger inflicted upon immortals, tragedy but he resisted it. Mother Songbird hid the child away, and Father Wyrm gnawed his own tail for years at a time, until he had finally grown accustomed to the hunger. Enough to ignore it. This routine happened whenever they had a child. Mother Songbird grew weaker with each child, and Father Wyrm grew hungrier. Until finally, tradgedy struck. In Mother Songbird's penultimate child, the Briarsalt, did not live past its conception. It passed into Nowhere within moments, and the two titans of creation were driven mad with grief. It was prophesied that if the two had another child, Mother Songbird would be the next casualty. But they ignored the warnings. They coupled again, and in giving birth to the Demiurge, a grand power of Forge, Mother Songbird suffered a terrible wound and soon went in her weakened state was unable to avoid going Nowhere. Then her husband followed her. The mourning of the world was so great that it brought into existence a virulent disease. A Black Death which swept the world. slaughtering millions. Neither returned for a long whilefour hundred excruciating years, until Mother Songbird clawed her way back on broken wings, shrouded in lavender. But she was different. The caring mother had died and gone to rot, and all that was left was a jealous, broken queen. Her return heralded the tyrannical rule of the French monarchy, and the subsequent rebellion.
Mother Songbird is, as her name suggests, a songbird. A songbird of titanic size, that her wings may comfort each of her children. In life, her feathers shone with brilliant colour, and some reflected the light of the Glory from whence she came. But Nowhere has drained these colours from her, and red blood is all that remains to stain her wings. Her wings Now they are fractured, and broken. They constantly shed petals, purple things that clung to her in Nowhere, and refuse to leave.

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