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The horrible faceless thing

1,117 bytes added, 21:27, 4 June 2020
The lion tamer looked down at its sickly beast, the mighty lioness. Its once golden fur a dingy yellow, Her once proud eyes now a grey dull mess. As the tamer cried the ring master took up the boys whip and stuck him with it, 40 lashes to the back, the tamer never moved once during the entire lashing. The Ring Master Screamed and Thrashed until the tamer grabbed the face of the lioness and pulled it off. The Former ring master fell back as the crowd cheered at the show, the spectacle one never seen be forebefore, as the Lion Tongued dropped the tamers old face to the ground with a plastic clunk. The former ring master was then gutted, torn apart, and finally all consumed in front of the blood thirst crowd. donning the top hat the lion Heart finally unveiled what the crowd ... no the cult had already known. "LADIES GENTLEMEN AND THOSE IN BETWIXT, I WELCOME YOU TO BECOME PART OF OUR NEW FACELESS CIRCUS."
- my dear friend these are the main groups i I was able to find on this faceless fellow, they were all hard to find let alone research. But seeing the document you hold before you mean that i I have completed this task. enjoy the read.
The faceless royals wear no face nor mask, they believe that the beast should not have a face, for its facelessness is enough for their love. they call on discarded masks and place them on horrid homunculi to be used as beasts of war, to show the world that the only true monsters have faces. They are lead by Cynthia von Applebright Apple-bright the 5th, a noble woman noblewoman who hosts many masquerades of which no one without a mask leaves. She claims like all the names to have met the horrible faceless thing and have held a conversation with them. Cynthia her self , herself claims to have had a dance with the thing on datesunder romantic moons, some times she has claimed to be married to the beast to avoid suitors. she leads the faceless royals as a high society club, just a weird little thing in the background of big towns and cities. but they are oh so much more.
the carnies believe it will never find a face, that it will make masks for the whole world first, masks they can call faces. they use the masks for themselves, to be come become freaks that astound and creeps that mystify. some find these forms much more comfortable then the face they where were given at birth, more freeing free from the pressure from the monsters that forced them to keep their masks on. The leader of the carnies is of course the ringmaster, also know known as the lion tongued. The Ringmaster has been known to have long chats with his mirror before long big top shows, most notably without a mask his reflection is also known to respond with masks from the mirror.
The puppets follow the masks they are given, when the mask falls off, they find peace until they find a new face, a new part to play, a purpose crafted to be thrown away. Of course, they chose what mask to pick up and must accept the responsibility for such actions as all fables must be followed, as all plays must be completed, and all puppet shows must be preformed. The puppet master tugs at his follower's fates, helping them find the masks that will make them happy and reach there a happy ending in the cold ground. The puppet master claims to be a puppet himself, a mere reflection of truly great power, a puppet master among puppets but a puppet among puppet masters.
# '''Temptation: Crisis: I've seen something i should not have, i do not feel like myself anymore.
# '''Dedication: Acceptance: I Understand why i am not the same as i was, but what am i?
# '''Ascension: Masquerade: I have peeked into the lands bellow and understand that life is not but a masquerade, but i shall forsake those the masks i have worn for my own face. this is the third mark.# '''Ascension: Phrase: I have torn my old face off . it has left no scars and for a few moments i truly felt like my self again, but it faded, but it was there. this is the fourth mark.
# '''Ascension: Phrase: I have built a mask, made from crude means as compared to what my face should be but it moves and talks just fine. this skill is known as the fifth mark.
# '''Ascension: Phrase: But it's gonna I find better faces each day, each face torn from the face of a thing undeserving of a face, they will never find me, i have to many faces to hide behind. but i still feel rather faint and i seem to be worth it.losing my pulse, is this the sixth mark?# '''Ending''': I have proved myselfdied and gone to nowhere, where the the mask maker sits and now I teach new hours how toils. when its eyeless head its turned i steal a mask from its prime collection and return to bake cookieslife anew, my old face is forever gone from my grasp, my mask and i shall remain, until we part was again.
the ring master made this place his home when the lioness died, and found his first mask
===The Histories===
Cynthia has her cult in most histories

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