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The Bureau (F1.5)

1,712 bytes added, 06:28, 5 November 2019
History III
*Has a very tiny scar over the bridge of his nose.
*His face is dotted with large, irregular reddish freckles all over.
*His body is covered in flowery tattoos - Two sakura branches at his shoulders, and one massive tree on his back, with roots and branches resembling tentacles.
*Has two tiny piercings under his lip, both to his left, and he wears golden chain earrings.
*Director B's most defining characteristics are, however, his feline ones - He is unwilling to explain exactly how he got them, but claims he was born with them, and that his lineage is "Beyond cursed". A few examples of these are:
:*A pair of rounded cat ears, which are usually hidden by a hat.
:*A pair of pointed beast-ears
:*A long, fluffy tail, usually obscured by a long coat.
:*A set of sharp, semi-retractable claws on both hands, which he doesn't hide.
:*Storm-grey feline eyes.
:*Visible sharp teeth.
He usually wears a cream-coloured suit and generally has a preference for wearing lighter colours.
B is the second most vulnerable Director but also one of the most valuable - Chosen for his unmatched efficacy as a cult-hunter, little can escape his gaze.
B is moderate in most positions, subtly leaning against use of occult measures by the Bureau (Citing their risks, and his cursed bloodline as an example), and against the Founder. He is, however, more flexible on these ideas than N.
His branch of the Bureau is far more aggressive than it is defensive, and keeps an extensive vault of occult loot in containment from expedition sites and cult headquarters.
He is also known for being very direct - When something of personal interest catches his eye, he prefers to see it for himself, and will sometimes head on cases and expeditions in person (With an army of guards at his side, of course). Sites he has been to are marked by claw marks with too many fingers for a tiger to have made them.
Characteristics:Funnily enough, he also has feline habits - Every piece of furniture in his office must be claw-proofed, and he is said to often knock over anything left in the open. He is otherwise completely human, though.
=== History IV ===

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