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The Mare-Night

157 bytes added, 06:09, 10 October 2019
Due to their secretive nature, there might be anywhere from 3 to 100 standing cults of the Mare, but only somebody initiated in those circles and sufficiently high-ranking could tell you the exact number. (and that information most certainly has a steep price.) But for now, there are three major "Semi-open" groups that relatively plenty of men and women who know of the Secret Arts know about:
*1:Society Of The Blessed Arrows: {{Aspect|Moth}} A small group of forest cultists who subsist on what the chaos of nature grants them every day,and do some shady business on the side..They generally refer to the Mare as an "It", and see her as an animal.
*2:The Nightmare Company {{Aspect|Edge}} A secretive squad which has aided many politically motivated murderers in the past. They are thought to be gone, and they are not- They're just known to have some... Unusual unusual demands for their deeds nowadays. They generally refer to the Mare as a "He".
*3:Kelpie's Mane Society {{Aspect|Edge}} A massive society spanning many linked cults, with their original HQ in Ireland. The true extent of their influence is not known, but it is said that they hold, at least, the near-entirety of the British Isles. In contrast to most smaller Mare-Cults, the Kelpie's Mane is mostly integrated by artists, nobles and the rich. They generally refer to the Mare as a "She".
=== Mark ===

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