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2 bytes added, 04:38, 10 October 2019
The Presence
|quantity5 = 12
|aspect6 = SH
|quantitiy6 quantity6 = 12
|fansus = 0
|quantity1 = 5
|aspect2 = Edge
|quantity2 = 1210
|aspect3 = Winter
|quantity3 = 1210
|aspect4 = Mortal
|fansus = 2
===The Mansus===
====The Place Between====Memories do not pass from Somewhere to Nowhere directly, of course. No, there is a place in between. A place full of things that do not exist anymore. A tiny forgotten corner at the edge of the woodWood. At the lowest part of the Mansus. No one sees it. And those who stray too close are forgotten as well. This is Nobody's outpost in the Mansus, such as it were. When they leave Nowhere to communicate with those Hours it likes so much, they do it here. Where things that aren't can become things that are, if they are caught before moving on to Nowhere. 

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