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The Mare-Night

1,407 bytes added, 15:35, 19 November 2018
== Appearance ==
The Mare has taken on many different appearances , with few universal characteristics among them. Mostly horse-like. Her appearance inside the Mansus, however, is consistent. She is an eight-legged centaur, of noble drafter build. Her tail is a centipede, which sometimes holds a mind of its own. Her human side has four arms, and two of them hold her bow. Her skin is grey as the steel of her knife, with freckles and spots in silver, bronze and moss. Her claws are long, thin and straight, sharp like Alastor's needles. Despite looking mostly feminine, she either manifests as both genders at once, or none. Her hoof-steps never make a noise, even with her imposing weight and muscle. Her coat is spotted as her skin, especially around her back legs. Nobody has ever seen her face. Some traits are visible- Her long, elfin ears which droop to the sides, her mane, colourful as withered copper,which grows from her head to her lower back. Her antlers, resembling those of a moose, permanently tangled in vines and ropes, and her third eye, which is a shard of faintly glowing amethyst and is quite sensitive. A few say they have seen her true eyes, and claim her irises are the colour of oak-wood- But there's no way to verify, as anybody who removes her mask in a dream ends their journey then and there. Her mask is covered in gems- Moonstones, moss agates and catseye. Engraved with markings of flowers and moths. She doesn't like people touching it.
== Principles ==

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