Bring The Once-and-Future Serpent

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In the final battle between the Ourobourine’s patron Hours, the Snake Tail was swallowed by the Anaconda. Aware of the Tail’s penchant for returning from Nowhere, Anaconda incorporated that Hour into itself. Knowing that they were too unlike to stay together long, and that the disaster of their splitting would surely result in catastrophe, the Anaconda knew that it had to be subverted. Concerned over what being subverted by the Bright-Delver would do to the Hour beloved by the entire Mansus, the Anaconda allowed itself to be subverted by the Vizier, creating The Once-and-Future Serpent (FNORD). The Great Serpent returned from Nowhere, greatly confused by what it perceived to be an inexorable summons from its palace, and discovered the situation.


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