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The Faustian Alchemist

Revision as of 03:32, 9 June 2019 by Ael (talk | contribs)

The Faustian Alchemist is an Hour of the Fourth Fansus, and one of the youngest Hours, too. He is an Hour of revolution, idealism, and suffering. It should be noted that his ideals are not comparable to the ideals of The Unfettered.

The Faustian Alchemist
"He did not ask for this, but here he is: a revolutionary, an idealist, and a victim."
Origin Flesh and Blood
Titles The Fournancier, The Burning Fool, The Blood-Tempered
Names "Ael", The Coal-Stained, The Alchemists
Aspects Forge Moth Edge
Date of arrival {{{arrival}}}
Owner(s) Ael




When the Faustian Alchemist was a mortal, he grew up in an occult society in Vienna, the Order Aestuante, with ideals resembling those of the The Demiurge, but in the waking world. This society already created Long when they started worshiping the Demiurge; however, most of them would die, mostly because they opposed the Mansus the Demiurge had built. When the first Long, called Ael, returned alive, without catching the attention of the Demiurge, the people decided to act on their ideals by themselves, thus starting the creation of their own Hour. In silent secrecy, hidden from all other Hours, they chose a young person, and would start to transform them into a Forge Long. This human would be the Faustian Alchemist, who, eventually, ascended directly from being Long to a lesser form of being an Hour, an act which was considered to be rather scandalous, but happened at a high cost nonetheless, that cost being the sacrifice of half of Vienna, including all Long the Order Aestuante had created. When the Demiurge witnessed this, which would inevitably happen, he concluded that this could be a potential threat to the New Mansus. Thus, he destroyed the pitiful rest of Vienna, immolated the Faustian Alchemist in his Furnace, and so condemned him to burn for seven years. Eventually, the few people who left Vienna before the ascension of the Faustian Alchemist united again, and spread their doctrine all over the world. This would continue the sacrifice people and Long to strengthen the Burning Fool. Eventually, the Faustian Alchemist could break out of the Furnace, reforged, and burning with his rage and grief, yet without leaving a trace. Now, he resides in the Mansus, keeping an eye on all Alchemists, and especially Vienna, spreading his ideals and visions to the waking world with the help of his Names, who were created in the "Last Sacrifice", the rite that would free the Faustian Alchemist from his cage, the Furnace.


The Fournancier commonly takes the form of a musculous fire-scarred man, sometimes naked, often clothed in the rags of the clothes of those who were sacrificed for him. Like other Hours, he can take other less-human forms too, like a cloud of ash and blood; however, he definitely prefers being seen the same as other humans.


The Faustian Alchemist is a patron of the Alchemists and has ideals to reshape the order of the world, similar to the Demiurge, and thus represents the principle of Forge; however, he sets his priorities on the waking world, not the Mansus, which is why he is commonly in the Wake. He also represents the principle of Moth, for how much he travels, the time he and his people hid and the escape from the Demiurge, and Edge, for his scars and all the suffering he had to endure in the Furnace.



The Faustian Alchemist is worhsipped by a lot of people in Vienna and the area around it, and alchemists, who seek various means of help through him. He is also worshipped by political groundbreakers, especially if their ideals match.


In the ascension under the Faustian Alchemist, the Long in the making will surrender parts of their old lives and their old ones, and will burn the pitiful rest into a Long of the Fournancier.

  1. Temptation: Reforging: What is this place I am in? How could I change it, and how could I change me?
  2. Dedication: Reforging: I have made a conclusion, and I will stay true to it, no matter the cost.
  3. Ascension: Reforging: My skin is burnt, but my flesh is steel. Each touch is pain, but nothing else.
  4. Ascension: Reforging: My eyes glow with embers my eyes are burnt to ash, and I still see what I need to see. I will understand.
  5. Ascension: Reforging: I have surrendered a loved one, I have burnt them. I will learn, and people will understand.
  6. Ascension: Reforging: I have surrendered myself, my right hand, my left foot, my tongue. We will all hear.
  7. Ending: I have surrendered all of me, and I have learned much. Now, I will seek my end in this furnace, but I will immortal: a Long, favoured by the Faustian Alchemist. I will live, and nothing will be taken from me, nor will anything be taken from this world anymore. Together with my compatriots, I will reshape the order of the people for the better.



The Coal-Stained

The Coal-Stained
"Yes, I have brought the fuel, and yes, it was not only coal."
Summon the Coal-Stained, a Name of the Faustian Alchemist
The Coal-Stained remembers the fuel he brought, he remembers the sacrifice, and foremostly remembers the light of the Mansus. He will only enters when traces of these memories are present.
To our suprise, the Coal-Stained isn't a he, but a she, a woman. Covered in coal, and blood, she enters like it was her who opened the door.


"It's less of an ascension but more of a job, you know. You still get to do a lot with people, and it's nice not to feel like some dictator rather than one of mankind."
Summon the Individual known as "Ael"
The man known as Ael will enter where the reshaping force of Forge is strong, together with the call for conquering, Edge.
He has worked in the Order of the Golden Flame, that revolutionary union that was founded directly after the Faustian Alchemist ascended. He's been granted Namehood to assure its constancy, and here he is, to help me with my goals, in the name of the Golden Flame, of course.


The Mansus

When in the Mansus, the Faustian Alchemist resides as close to the Glory as possible, safe from any people that could oppose him by taking offense; however, he will usually not be found in the Mansus. He also illicitly visits the New Mansus, spying on the Demiurge and his domain. Names of the Blood-tempered are also commonly sent in there.

The Histories

The Fournancier travels among the world, visiting various revolutionary groups and helping them out, now and then. That makes him a rather big influencer of the Wake, especially considering that he is ready to take immediate action when things directly contradict his ideals. This reached from assaults on Demiurge-Long in the Wake to revolutions.



  • Blood-Stained Ash


  • Rite of the Furnace
    • Description: This rite remembers the time the Faustian Alchemist spent in the furnace of the Demiurge by sacricing a living being that has been treated with alchemical ingredients. The Burning Fool will acknowledge the sacrifice, and will do a favour in return.
    • Requires: A living sacrifice, an ingredient, and lore.

Can act as a rite for anything but is mandatory for the ascension of Long that ascend under the Fournancier.


  • The Demiurge: the Faustian Alchemist and the Demiurge are known to be enemies, mainly due to threat that the Faustian Alchemist is to the New Mansus. Due to the differences in their practices and the similarities in their ideals, one often accuses the other to simply lust for power instead of salvation.
  • The Unfettered: While the Faustian Alchemist does not directly oppose the Unfettered, their ideals contradict in a lot of ways, mainly due to the Alchemist's beliefs in authority as a tool, rather than something oppressive.