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The Mendicant Without

1,541 bytes added, 16:04, 3 July 2018
=== Mark ===
Those who embrace their insatiable appetites will find themselves branded with the '''Marks of Rapacity''', which fill the body and empty the soul.
# '''Temptation: Rapacity''': There is a greater satisfaction to be found.
# '''Dedication: Rapacity''': I have dedicated myself to the search for absolute contentedness. I must satiate my deeper hungers, whatever the cost.
# '''Ascension: Rapacity''': The Mendicant Without has altered my appetite. Food will no longer fill me, yet I must not starve. I know this to be the Third Mark.
# '''Ascension: Rapacity''': The Fourth Mark has removed my need for sleep. There is an unnatural vitality to my movements. A haze has entered my mind and will not leave.
# '''Ascension: Rapacity''': The company of others has lost its savor, though few can now resist the allure of the Fifth Mark that lies upon me. Every day brings a new fling, each more passionate and intense than the last. I would stop, but the choice is no longer mine.
# '''Ascension: Rapacity''': My body craves ever greater thrills, but my mind is still. My desires have become necessities, as essential and dull as breathing air. The Sixth Mark coils around my mind like a wreath, or a collar.
# '''The Ruination of Substance:''': There is only hunger now. Though I engage in greater debauchery with each passing day, I feel no pleasure, and yet I cannot stop. Only the Mendicant's touch is real now, a hand resting gently on my shoulder as I dream. I will never pass the Tricuspid Gate, but neither will I ever leave this world.
=== Servants ===

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