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The Fansus β


The Half-Turned

750 bytes added, 01:06, 21 July 2019
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
|image = File:TheOldGeezer.png
|title = A Restless Quill
|description = It dances in the palm and thrums the brain. Put it to a page and watch your script come forth.
|aspect0 = Tool
|aspect1 = Moth
|quantity1 = 8
|fansus = 2
* FNORD** Aspects<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{AspectElementDescription|image = File:TheOldGeezer.png|title = Dry Asbestos |description = The air in the glass is warm as the first night of spring, yet the sandy crystals remain chilling to the touch. The lid refuses to shut once opened|aspect0 = Ingredient|aspect1 = Pigment|Forgeaspect2 = Winter|1}} {{Aspectquantity2 = 4|Grailaspect3 = Poison|quantity3 = 1|fansus = 2}}</div> 
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription