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The Half-Turned

88 bytes added, 07:09, 30 July 2019
* [[The Mother Bear]]: Prelude Character. On its Second Showing. Stale and only just bearable.
* [[The Maw Consuming]]: FNORD
* [[The Succulent Glow]]: Background Character. To be Retired.
* [[The Knife's Edge]]: FNORD
* [[The Princess Prominent]]: Secondary Character, lesser Conflict. Unruly Actor; Remove from stage unless needed.
* [[The Ultimate Emperor]]: Main Character(?). To be part of upcoming reversal. Potential producer.
* [[The Ferric Brand]]: Secondary Character. To be part of the The Act of Progress.* [[The Partisan]]: Main Central Characterfor The Act of Progress. To be part of upcoming reversal. Its time will come, just as it will pass.* [[The Monument]]: Unusually sentient Props. Prelude Background Character(?). To soon be Retired.
* [[The Cub]]: Prelude Character. On its First Showing. Not yet stale.
* [[The Ink]]: The Writer.
* [[Our Lady Betrayed]]: Secondary Character. To be kept to the background for now. To be part of upcoming reversal.
* [[The Fool Unrepentant]]: FNORD
* [[The Worm Funktastic]]: Secondary Character. Part of Main Character in The Act of Jazz. Testing.
* [[The Rotted Ox]]: Possible Epilogue. Will come eventually, provided a more fitting character isn’t written.
* [[The Morning Star]]: FNORD

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