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9,422 bytes added, 11:03, 24 January 2019
no edit summary
Ophede - Belinda has never been seen anywhere that she does not belong.</br>
Prisoner - It is devastatingly hard to keep Belinda locked away.</br>
First invitation out (Location): She laughs, at first, a breach of social norm. 'What an amusing joke!' It takes some convincing to assure her of my sincerity. </br>
Compatible Desire (eh, maybe beauty or progress?): FNORD </br>
A Liasion: FNORD </br>
Victory Text: She works odd hours, and never wears shoes indoors. On the occasions I manage to surprise her, she's on me with delight, and we do not untangle until one of us must go again. </br>
=== Frederick (SRN) ===
Troublemaker: Frederick is responsible for many a tunnel into a bank vault and hole in art gallery, among stranger crimes.</br>
Guest: Her works are better than reality, now.</br>
Prisoner: We all know that Aine's promises are as real as a mirage.</br>
First invitation out (Location): Miss Aine smiles. 'It's been some time since I last went out like that. I'd love to.' </br>
Compatible Desire (Beauty): She cannot take her eyes off of me. She tries to find something, anything to compare me to, but she's never satisfied with the results. 'No matter how beautiful a thing may be,' she says, 'It pales in comparison to you.' </br>
A Liasion: She's spontaneous, and almost never inclined to do the same thing twice. But there's a joy in routine, and organization. She's learning it, with all the hunger that she learns anything new.</br>
Victory Text: She's always busy when I come home, but always leaves her work to wrap her arms around me. Nothing she does cannot wait until she's finished letting me know how much she loves me. </br>
=== Arkady (Amets) ===
Guest: Arkady's compliments are a bad omen.</br>
Prisoner: He revels in the last thing he has - guilt.</br>
=== Cassandra (SRN) ===
Troublemaker: Suspicion did not alight on such a high member of government easily. It rests there even less easily.</br>
The Occupant of Office 12: Nobody has seen Cassandra for months. We send her letters and occasionally find letters slipped under our doors.</br>
Prisoner: The state of the government concerns her far more than her own imprisonment.</br>
First invitation out (Location): After a few days of filing labyrinthine paperwork, I finally presented Cassandra with the culmination of my efforts: Form 12-C-R, requisitioning her time for recreational purposes. </br>
Compatible Desire (Greater Good?): She sees everything as if it is novel and watches with shining eyes even the mundane. She insists on writing and filing detailed reports about it all, hopefully different ones from the one she gave you. </br>
A Liasion: With a teasing smile she has come up with creative new paperwork for all the creative things you do together. It is always worth the effort.</br>
Victory Text: She still immerses herself in her work and her duties. But every so often, she surfaces now for me, as I dive in for her. She always smiles that smile when she sees the forms I've submitted and always feigns outrage when I use her distraction to creep behind her and surprise her with a kiss.</br>
=== Mitchell (Amets) ===
Astrologer: Crimes happen, and Patrick is there. Patrick is there, and crimes happen. In his eyes, we are all guilty, but he can instantly tell the more guilty from the ones less so. </br>
Prisoner: Patrick seems to find this ironic. If his cell is opened, we suspect he will refuse to leave.
First invitation out (location): An amused grin grows on Patrick's stubbled face. 'Alright,' he says 'this could be fun.' </br>
Compatible Desire (Obscurity): He can't seem to keep his eyes on me, they frequently scan the crowds, the sky, and streets, sometimes just dead ahead but averting his gaze. The one time I catch him looking, his mouth is slightly agape and his eyes brim with longing. </br>
A Liasion: His room is messy, but we make space nonetheless, between the old case files, empty liquor bottles (did we empty them, or were they here previously), and piles of dirty laundry. Afterwards, he always starts sheepishly cleaning, and when I come to help out, we manage to make fun little games out of it. </br>
Victory Text: His shifts at the station result in his absence for many hours, and depending on the case, those hours can stretch even longer. But every time we see each other, it is with the utmost eagerness, and we are on one another in an instant. When we part, it is always regretfully. </br>
=== Stefan (SRN) ===
Astrologer: Stefan readily explains his decision to go insane. It, he says, helped him very much. </br>
Prisoner: Stefan has found refuge in madness. We wear blindfolds when we visit his room.
=== Genevieve (t3isukone)===
Troublemaker: Genevieve is not as dangerous as she once was, but even a shattered failure of what she sought to be is not to be underestimated.</br>
Acquaintance: Genevieve used to be a doctor, before she started her studies on what might overly our world. Now she is blind and mad, but there may be enough of her left to reshape for our purposes...</br>
Believer: Genevieve ripped out her eyes once she knew nothing could compare to the light in her dreams, but she is beginning to see things again.</br>
Disciple: Genevieve once reached too high. Now, she does not know what is too high, and her fractured, unfocused mind sees higher and more clearly than the rest of us.</br>
Astrologer: Genevieve will never reach what she aspired to-not as long as I still hold her strings. But she has reached something else, and while she will never dwell in the House, all of it is clear to her now.</br>
Prisoner: The bars and cell meant nothing to Genevieve, but she started screaming when she felt the occult wards. She has only stopped because her throat can no longer support it.</br>
== Edge ==
Arquebusier: No one really knows how many weapons Baishan has on his person.</br>
Prisoner: Baishan is probably hoarding the cutlery, amongst other things.</br>
First invitation out (Location): FNORD </br>
Compatible Desire (honestly I don't like any of the available ones for him so far): FNORD </br>
A Liasion: FNORD </br>
Victory Text: FNORD </br>
=== Rhonda (Anaconda) ===
Troublemaker: Few can believe such a consumptive girl could commit such brutal murders.</br>
Arquebusier: Rhonda is meticulously clean, and never leaves behind a corpse.</br>
Prisoner: We haven't fed Rhonda in days. It's safer, that way.</br>
First invitation out (Location): 'You'll regret it,' she warns me. But she doesn't use her knife, which means that it's not a rejection. </br>
Compatible Desire (Evolution): Until now, it's never been quite clear just how desperately ill Rhonda is. But she presses up against my side, still clutching her knife like a good luck talisman. 'Just let me have this moment,' she rasps, 'And I won't bother you again.' </br>
A Liasion: If anyone else touched her like this, they'd lose their hand. But when it comes to me, she couldn't be cuddlier. She buries her face into my neck to listen to my pulse, taking comfort in the proof that I still live. </br>
Victory Text: Even during the worst of her illness, she hates to leave my side. Sometimes I wonder if the only reason she clings on, day after day, is because she simply refuses to leave me without her support. </br>
=== Sigismund (SRN) ===
'''''Note: Impassable Doors can be bypassed with Edge, which makes Sigismund's prisoner description... not very accurate anymore.'''''
Thorn: Anfisa's body is a mass of flora, but her eyes remain visible.</br>
Prisoner: She was offered a banana last week. What happened is not to be spoken of.</br>
First invitation out (Location): FNORD </br>
Compatible Desire (Kindness or Bramble's): FNORD </br>
A Liasion: FNORD </br>
Victory Text: FNORD </br>
=== Constance (Edward) ===
Nrityian: Rashmi will not, will not, will not stop helping.<br />
Prisoner: Rashmi sings all the louder, as though she might break the walls of her cell.<br />
First invitation out (Location): 'Why, I'd love to!' Rashmi exclaims. 'Even if it doesn't amount to anything, I'm happy to.' </br>
Compatible Desire (no idea): FNORD </br>
A Liasion: FNORD </br>
Victory Text: She's always singing, but she no longer accepts gifts from her audience. She doesn't want people to think that she doesn't love me with all of her heart. When she returns, smoke clings to her hair and her clothes, but she covers me in kisses until I hardly notice. </br>
===Roger (Amets)===
A silken-stepped shadow - Another disappearance, another weight on the scales. The books are balanced once again.</br>
Prisoner - Bora plays cat's cradle while they wait for us.</br>
First invitation out (Midnight's Plaza): Bora considers the string tangled in their fingers, and then nods. 'As long as there are no other people,' they decide. </br>
Compatible Desire (Exploration): 'I've lost my string.' Bora says, halfway through. When I place the candle down to help search, they tug my into the hedges. It's not the most comfortable, but it is very fun. </br>
A Liasion: They tangle string up in their fingers, and they tangle me up in their arms. When the moon peers through the heavy curtains, it finds our business fitting. </br>
Victory Text: Everything in existence has its place, and our places are together. Each action they take must have a purpose, and they cannot bear even one meaningless footstep. But when the face of the moon turns away from the world, and the stars turn frosty, we endure in each other's embrace. </br>
=== Camille (SRN) ===
Troublemaker - Being in Camille's presence is enough to make one weep and lose all joy for life. Which makes apprehending him difficult.</br>
A man who is not unhappy - Are you crying? Why are you crying? Why can't you stop crying?...</br>
Prisoner - Camille does not cry. Just another homeland lost. Another exile.</br>
=== Kathie (Anaconda) ===
Troublemaker - Kathie crafts the art of silent death, her canvas the whole of humanity.</br>
A silken-stepped woman - Not even the cobwebs stir in the breeze. A judgment is being made.</br>
Prisoner - Kathie may not be breathing anymore.</br>
First invitation out (Location): Kathie's eyes are as bright and fierce as gems as she stares at me. Is that a yes? </br>
Compatible Desire (Beauty): It is unclear whether or not Kathie has even noticed her surroundings, with how tightly her eyes have locked onto mine. Her hands seem to move under their own power, and by the time we reach my home, her fingers have warmed against mine until I forget that they were ever cold. </br>
A Liasion: Kathie's fingers are delicate and nimble, and they move with a precision better known in machine than in man. </br>
Victory Text: She is incapable of not taking pride in her work, no matter her lack of passion for it. She hangs dreamcatchers of delicate chains and flawed gems above our bed, and decorates the windows until the dimmest light scatters across the room. Our house is filled with glittering things, and our happiness shines brightest of all. </br>
=== Margaret (Amets) ===
Troublemaker: Margaret is here to collect. Nothing more, nothing less.</br>
Prisoner - Her cell is free of any tools. Nevertheless, we can hear her working.</br>
===Rupa First Invitation (Anacondaauction house?)===Troublemaker: Rupa considers the whole of humanity to be Meghan, hand resting on her chin in need of improvementa thoughtful pose, pauses for a moment. Then another longer moment. "I don't see why not. Her prototypes never survive" She finally replies with a shrug.</br />AcquaintanceCompatible Desire: Rupa enjoys working Meghan seems to have taken more of an interest in me than in any of the art on sale. Her eyes gleam with peoplethe same light as when she stares at a fresh chunk of marble. She doesn't particularly enjoy peoplesuddenly reaches towards my face, but stops just short of touching. "Would it be rude if I asked to study your form?" I assure her that not only would it not be rude, but it would be welcome.</br />Believera liason: The potential of the occult to improve humanity has lit a fire in RupaMeghan's eyeshands are rough-skinned, but their movements are practiced and ever so gentle.</br />Disciplevictory text: Rupa works without ceasingBoth of us now understand the passion and delicacy with which the old masters wrought warm flesh and soft fabric from cold, unfeeling stone. Every day she searches for a new assistantWhenever I return home, Meghan pauses her work and rushes to embrace me regardless of how much dust coats her skin and clothing.<br />Alchemist: Rupa can fix anyone. She will fix everyone.<br />Prisonerachievement: No one can enter Rupa's cellwarm flesh from cold, not after last timeunfeeling stone.</br />
===Sule (Anaconda)===
Alchemist: The only thing Sule seems to love is the destroying flame.<br />
Prisoner: We can permit no bars or windows of any sort in Sule's prison.<br />
First invitation out (Location): Sule shrugs, not looking up from what she was doing. 'Sure, why not?' </br>
Compatible Desire (bramble's?): FNORD </br>
A Liasion: There's always a cheery fire burning when I visit. She generally doesn't set it in the fireplace, but she hasn't set her room aflame yet, so it's hard to complain. </br>
Victory Text: Our home glitters with light reflected from all the decorations haphazardly hung everywhere. Her new job doesn't pay as much as being a clerk did, but she's never bored anymore. It's not always easy, but we make it work. </br>
== Secret Histories ==
Grimoire: He has made himself a crown, and has commissioned a scepter. He insists on giving us all royal titles, for aiding him in his time of need.</br>
Prisoner: He seems to believe someone is coming to rescue is him, and insists on being ransomed for exorbitant sums .</br>
=== Ivan (Koldun) ===
Troublemaker: He's been in too many wrong places, at too many wrong times.</br>
Acquaintance: He's a man you met..somewhere. He's got a few stories to tell.</br>
Believer: Now that he's seen the truth, there's now more than a moral at the end of his tales.</br>
Disciple: He tells stories every day now. They can't be true. They shouldn't be. They are.</br>
Grimoire: Ivan has grown older, his beard longer, his voice like the skalds of old. Only the stories are the same.</br>
Prisoner: He tells stories even now, to the walls, to the floor, to his death.</br>

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