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The Fansus β


The Panopticon

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== History ==
The Panopticon was a God-from-Stone, that awoke when the light of the recently rekindled Glory touched it. To its great horror, it had forgotten everything it used to know about the Other Place, except for the fact that it was created to be a repository for this very knowledge it had lost. It had, however, retained the power of Lantern, allowing it to view the world and the Mansus from within the Chamber of Revelations Visions that it created for itself. It never cared much for the other Hours or their machinations, preferring to observe and record rather than to interact. Exceptions were [[The Monument]], who it envied greatly for remembering even the most minor scrap of what the Other Place was like, [[The More-Opened]] whose endless exploration intrigued it almost as much as its lack of interest in what it explored saddened it, and [[The Rotted Ox]], with whom it was rumored to have secret dealings concerning the end of the Mansus, which both hours saw as an inevitability.
Why it was shattered is a great enigma, as is whether it consented to this shattering or not, and whether it knew this shattering would lead to the formation of [[The Myriad-Masked]]. What is known is that the More-Opened was seen near the Chamber of Revelations Visions shortly after the shattering. This shattering also coincided with the More-Opened's delvings into the human mind, with the raw knowledge and Lantern released from the shattering entering the minds of the newly opened minds and leading to the creation of the Hour known as the Myriad-Masked.
== Appearance ==
The Panopticon manifested as a grand, glowing ball of glass floating in mid-air. It resided within the Chamber of Revelations Visions within the Mansus, where its light touched the floor and the benches, and made them gleam like mirrors and reflect the countless things it saw. Alternately, it manifested as a frozen lake or sea, in which revelations and sights could be seen.
== Principles ==