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The Fansus β

The Mendicant Without

Revision as of 15:23, 18 June 2018 by Lyrositor (talk | contribs)

The Mendicant Without is one of the Hours of the Fansus, created by Lyrositor.

The Mendicant fled Nowhere long ago, seeking to satiate a hunger it did not yet understand. It beseeched the Hours of the Mansus to be allowed within, and its request was granted, but for a price that meant nothing to it. The Mansus Hours came to regret their decision in time, and it was cast out for reasons which did not make any sense to it. It mourns its loss to this day, as it craves what it never had to lose in the first place. It fears the Wood, and the wilder Hours that reside within, and dares not leave the Gates, should they ever open for it again.