Fangs in the Night

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Lock text: Here is a place where a message was given, and it pierced the skin of the world. Lantern might drive it away, or Heart might provide the energy to move past it.
Start text: This is a serpent's curse, full of wrath and righteousness. Here, in the darkness, we cannot escape it. Lantern-light might drive back the angry shadows, or Heart keep us from ending.


  • A Decrepit Asylum


  • Lantern (Invokes the Architeuthian)
  • Heart (Invokes the Bright-Delver)

Lantern Invocation

We call upon the Architeuthian

  • Lantern 10: We call upon the Squid, who is beloved. This power is that of the Anaconda, who is friend to the Squid. His power will protect us from its wrath. We will pass unharmed.
  • Lantern 5: We call upon the Dweller in Depths, who is Leviathan. These fangs are sharp, but the Dweller in Depths has repelled fiercer attacks. With enough power, we will probably be safe.
  • Lantern 1: We call upon the Dweller in Depths, who is at home in the dark. We might have enough strength to call upon his aid. Maybe.
  • Lantern Success: The power that we carry is stronger and fiercer than the power that was here. The curse dies here.
  • Lantern Failure: Run. The fangs are merciless, and will not be denied. If we cannot outrun them-!

Heart Invocation

We call upon the Bright-Delver

  • Heart 10: We call upon the Bright-Delver, who is beloved. This power is that of the Anaconda, who is sibling to the Bright-Delver. Her power will protect us from its wrath. We will pass unharmed.
  • Heart 5: We call upon the Sea-Singer, who is Shesha. She has forgiven and soothed worse terrors than those that lurk here. She will probably protect us.
  • Heart 1: We call upon the Sea-Singer, who carries light. With enough compassion, we might call upon her aid. Maybe.
  • Heart Success: The power that we carry is more flexible than the power that was here, and shields us from all harm. The curse cannot touch us.
  • Heart Failure: Hide. The fangs are cunning, and will not be denied. If we cannot outwit them-!

Impact of the Curse

Eats a Health.