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The horrible faceless thing

1 byte removed, 20:58, 19 January 2020
The lion tamer looked down at its sickly beast, the mighty lioness. Its once golden fur a dingy yellow, Her once proud eyes now a grey dull mess. As the tamer cried the ring master took up the boys whip and stuck him with it, 40 lashes to the back, the tamer never moved once during the entire lashing. The Ring Master Screamed and Thrashed until the tamer grabbed the face of the lioness and pulled it off. The Former ring master fell back as the crowd cheered at the show, the spectacle one never seen be forebefore, as the Lion Tongued dropped the tamers old face to the ground with a plastic clunk. The former ring master was then gutted, torn apart, and finally all consumed in front of the blood thirst crowd. donning the top hat the lion Heart finally unveiled what the crowd ... no the cult had already known. "LADIES GENTLEMEN AND THOSE IN BETWIXT, I WELCOME YOU TO BECOME PART OF OUR NEW FACELESS CIRCUS."

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