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Its Incarnadine Virulence

57 bytes added, 05:59, 20 November 2019
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| titles = Glorious Rot, Inferna Pestis, Hydra Plague
| Carriers = The Virulence has Carriers instead of Names. Placeholder till I think of some.
| aspects = None{{Aspect|Illhealth}}
| arrival =
| owners = [[User:SRN|SRN]])
Its Incarnadine Virulence was a mundane plague. Nevertheless, it was a terrible one. Carried through the air, it rampaged through the Histories, reaping a gleeful death toll of millions. Perhaps it would have stayed as that, mindlessly slaying till the ages turned and a vaccine was developed and it brought to the verge of extinction, but some foul alignment of the fates intervened, . As a terrible war and in crisis enveloped the CollisionMansus, it as gods died, the Virulence found a Long. As their body and mind were wracked by the mad confluence of power unleashed by that terrible disaster, a single speck of virus slipped in. As the virus took its first taste of Long, it began its first terrible steps to ascension, developing a lethal strain laced with elder power. It ate its first host from the inside out, and they died wracked with horrible pains and horrible enlightenment.
Principles: {{Aspect|lantern}} {{Aspect|forge}}
Patient Zero: <Some Lantern Name>Master Gibbet
The Finest Madness, of course, touches both the body and the mind. Once infecting its victim, it overcomes them with Fascination. It begins with the occasional, easily-ignored brief flash of light or shape in the distance which in days progresses to delirium and entire new worlds of wonders and light. This madness consuming the mind, however, is merely the prelude. As the insanity rampages through the victim's mind, it begins to run rampant and tear itself outwards. Flesh and bone warp and reshape, new organs and new limbs forming. This plague may not necessarily take a victim's life. But as their body changes into an unrecognizable mass of flesh and their world descends into colours beyond light, they may wish it had.
Principles: {{Aspect|grail}} {{Aspect|heart}}
Patient Zero: <Some Grail Name>Insatiable
'Consumption' is the plague of the feast. Its gluttony and its vitality. Victims commonly take two forms. 'Consumption' engenders an all-consuming hunger that only grows as the sickness progresses. Mere unaccountable peckishness turns into a roaring, devouring hunger that 'burns' ever second the victim is not eating. Failure to sate it hollows and rots the victim, reducing them to skin and bones, then ashes in a matter of days as they fail to eat and are eaten in turn, from the inside out. Yet for those capable of satisfying that voracious appetite, the disease fills them with life. Muscles pump unceasing, the mind is sharpened to a razor-point. They rampage, impossibly fast and strong and consumed by no other thought than their appetite.

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