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The Spirarch

339 bytes removed, 11:34, 20 June 2019
Added missing Martinet text.
# '''Ascension: Reform''': The Spirarch has bound my writing hand with its tendrils. My acquaintances are as puppets to me now. With a well-placed word I turn rumor to fact in the public's mind. I know this to be the Third Mark.
# '''Ascension: Reform''': I can feel something growing inside me, spreading every which way. I find I no longer need to think before I speak. This is the Fourth Mark.
# '''Ascension: Reform''': The Fifth Mark has cost me my ability to walk, but it matters not. I sit rest at the center of a web that spans the continent. With a tug on a strand I topple empires. Nothing lies beyond my reach.# '''Ascension: Reform''': The branches growing branches inside me have broken free of my skin in several points. They spread in every direction, wedding me to my home. I feel every tremor on the skin of the world. This is the Sixth Mark.# '''The Conjoining of Wills''':#* Recipe: My branches extend skywardreach extends skywards, higher, higher still, until they are it is met with branches that are not my own. They The last flakes of my skin waft away as we intertwine time and time again, until it my mind is impossible to tell where my thoughts end and Hers beginssupplemented. I will share in Her immortalitypass no Gate, and become as I am already risen. I will be immortal: a Long, favoured of the Spirarch.#* Ending: The world lies below, but not beneath me. Though my body is my lesser appendage now, it will serve me well in the centuries to come. Perhaps I will discard it. Perhaps, one day, I will rise even higher. [Congratulations on a standard Reform victory. You have wrestled the game to its knees. There are other paths.]
=== Servants ===
|title = Summon one of the Name-emanations of the Spirarch
|start_description = The Martinet rarely answers calls for assistance, but her attention may be diverted with enough Forge. I will also need some knowledge of the Histories to give her form.
|description = 'You required helpHere she was, here I am. A failureI have shortened the gap between then and now. You asked for Her eyes demand mineas she closes the distance. A mistake.'
|aspect0 = Ritual
|aspect1 = Knock
* [[The Storm-Tossed]]: The Spirarch vehemently opposes the Storm-Tossed and the chaos it brings. The Arbory is closed to it, though that doesn't always stop the Traveller.
* [[The Perennial]]: Little about the Perennial inspires the Spirarch, as she is contemptuous of its endless cycle of hope and despair. She resents its interference in the Age of Jazz for making matters worse.
* [[The Red Lady]]: {{FNORD}}
* [[The Hunter]]: The independence and volatility of the Hunter make it difficult for the Spirarch to get along with it, though she is not above enlisting his help when he is willing.
* [[The Masquerade]]: {{FNORD}}
* [[The Bright Tapestry]]: The Spirarch appreciates what the Bright Tapestry's is trying to accomplish, though she is somewhat bemused by its methods.
* [[The Die-Cutter]]: While the Spirarch holds nothing but contempt for the Die-Cutter's promotion of gambling, she has sometimes found herself needing its assistance when her best laid plans failed. She respects its power, if not its methods.
* [[The Mother Bear]]: The first Hour bargain, the Spirarch met Accord, was struck with the Mother Bearwhen the Cub first relayed her greetings, and their relationship has since been a genial, if largely uneventful one. They appreciate and respect each other, and are content to go about their respective business. The Spirarch only wishes she could change its mind more often.
* [[The Maw Consuming]]: Pointless at best, dangerous at worst. Few interactions.
* [[The Succulent Glow]]: While she is conflicted in her view of the Glow, ultimately the Spirarch pities it more than anything else, along with those who hide beneath its cap. She sees it as living proof of what can happen when her paths are not followed and still hopes one day to "heal" it.
* [[The Knife's Edge]]: The neutrality of the Knife's Edge prevents the Spirarch from truly liking it, as it has interfered in her plans several times. Some of its warnings have been useful to her nonetheless, for which she is thankful.
* [[The Warrior Maid]]: The Spirarch is wary of the Maid, though she is still compelled to enlist its help on occasion.
* [[The Ferric Brand]]: Though the Spirarch favors changes far broader and far-reaching than any mere bodily alterations can accomplish, she finds the Ferric Brand's talents useful on occasion, and tries to remain on good terms with it.
* [[The Monument]]: The Spirarch has had few opportunities to interact with the Monument, but though it admires its willpower and ambition, it considers them tragically misdirected towards a past that is now irrelevant.
* [[The Cub]]: The Cub and the Spirarch have never metseldom meet, as their respective duties keep them well apart, but she has great respect for its diligence in enforcing the rules of their House.* [[The Seraph]]: There is little to be said about the relationship between the two, as they have agreed to a truce. They will occasionally exchange small favours.
* [[Flint-and-Steel]]: The Spirarch has often felt a kinship with this Hour, though she considers it considerably more reckless than it has reason to be.
* [[Our Lady Betrayed]]: {{FNORD}}
* [[The More-Opened]]: The brutal recklessness of the More-Opened is not something the Spirarch approves of, even if she similarly seeks to open doors for others. It is simply a matter of opening the right doors to the right people at the right time, which the More-Opened seems bafflingly unconcerned with.
* [[The Unending Worm]]: Of all the Hours, the Spirarch feels closest in kin to the Worm, though it comes from a diametrically opposed place and they are the furthest apart physically. It understands its yearning, and though its own ambitions are not quite as all-consuming, it empathizes with it. She will not be satisfied until they have met. Rumors of a romantic interest have been greatly exaggerated.
* [[The Clavier]]: The abilities of the Masquerade are of great interest to the Spirarch, who has partnered with it to serve as a vector of the delivery of its manufactured thoughts. She does not entirely trust it, however, and is cautious in her dealings with it.
== See Also ==