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The First City

628 bytes added, 12:30, 23 January 2019
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* The Department of Home Affairs- The Department is where the much of the everyday drudgery that comes with a place like the First City is done. It doubles as a temple to [[The Vizier]], the Hour of order and paperwork. In his name they record all that goes on in the City, no matter how insignificant it may be. From rain to dirt to relics, if it passes through or happens in the First City, a record can be found in the Department's archives.
==The Twenty MinstersMinisters==
The masters of the First City, Representatives and usually Emanations of the Hours. The minister of the Great Serpent once held seniority over the others, but vanished following the Segmentation of the Serpent.
* [[The Apple-of-the-Eye#Jonquil|Jonquil]] represents [[The Apple-of-the-Eye]]. He doesn't seem to care much, but he gives out citizenships and architectural positions like cheap cigars. Occasionally, something will catch his interest, and he will demand his Hour have it. His adamant position of support for the Assemblage of Holy Vessels is largely secondhand.
* [[The Meatgrinder]]'s representative is The Shopkeep. A formerly human long who pledged himself to the Meatgrinder. In his endless transformations by the Meatgrinder, he eventually set upon a form that he enjoyed more than any other. A short, elderly-but-plum gentleman wearing a butcher's apron - anchored into his shop by his feet, which merge with the ground. Huge hunks of meat hang from the walls around him, unclear what form of livestock they came from, and grow back rather quickly when they are sliced from the wall and purchased. The meat is delicious but unidentifiable, and the walls of the Shopkeep do seem to sweat and grow, in harmony with the Meatgrinder's condition.
* [[The Snow-Stained]] is represented by the [[Chair-Leg]], a seemingly inanimate bit of repurposed furniture. Its attendant, a scholar by the name of Andriff, insists that it is as sapient as the Bully's Stick itself, and that it's just very difficult for anyone to understand what it's saying. For the most part, the attendant speaks for the chair leg. Many political observers suggest that this choice of representative is a deliberate insult on the Stick's part, both to the council itself and to the so-called "new school" of occult scholasticism, which Andriff belongs to.
* [[The Caladrius]] represents themself with FNORP, FNORE's brother
* FNORT, FNORD's cousin twice removed
* FNORE, FNORT's best friend and FNORD's former roommate.
* [[The Germane]] represents [[the Mendicant Without]]: The Mendicant Without appoints no representative, and cares little for the affairs of the First City, yet its chair is not vacant. Ever the last to arrive and the first to stand, the Diffuse who styles himself the Germane never misses a meeting. Possessed of mirth, energy and passion unbounded, he acquires opinions and discards positions as suits his mood. There is more to him, of course, but, as he'll tell you, he's not here to talk about himself.
* FNORD[[The Muck Heels]] represents [[The Stomping Sands]]. The Stomping Stands speaks no mortal words and bears no mortal body, yet in the Temple Nil gather stray footprints that bear his oppressive tread. Unlike the common treads of the Rising Pulse, these leave a marked inky blackness that fills their prints. It is unclear if these are even emissaries at all or the Sands itself, but the prints do not change and the sound of their march does not cease. With them its will is made clear to those who match their beat, it wishes to hunt unending, to stomp unending, and it asks only that all join its stride.
[[Category:Fansus I]]

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