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The Second History

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===The Early Days===
The Second History was smiled upon by the Hours, whom chose to be more involved in its development than the Third. So favored was it the occult was more powerful and more openly embraced than the Third, Fourth and most certainly the Sixth. Perhaps the Hours hoped that by taking a more direct approach in the development of humanity, the History would not fall into the self destructive chaos and anarchy as humans were not to when bereft of supervision. The Apple of the Eye gave the history blessing of beauty and knowledge. the FNORD blessed their FNORDS
Although the golden age had outlived the king that planted its seeds, the Architeuthian was pleased by what he saw as he looked down from above.
For many years following the passing of the King and the establishment of the regime of magi, the Kingdom remained a bastion of progress and development in a growing world. The original followers of the King were wise, and passed on their secrets and offices to men of similar wisdom and character. These good men would be sure to share their gifts with their people, raising the quality of living for all.
[[The Silver Owl]], that enigmatic Hour of freedom and the amassing of secrets, lent its aid to the Flood to see innocent humans free of the shacking. To her the way the Ferryman shacked all humans to itself due to their foolish ancestors' deal was a gross tyranny. [[The Caladrius]], that Hour of Life and Healing, was ecstatic at the notion of a world free of death and the chance to once more save those whom it at once already lost to the Ferryman's grasp. The Peacock, that perverted, broken Hour of Generosity, acted to abolish death in accordance with the twisted wishes of mankind, which it "loved" dearly. And last and least, the Cuckoo, that Hour of deceit and selfishness acted for selfish notions. Compared to the altruism or complex schemes that motivated the other Hours to act, she sought to steal relatively little from the Hall of Silence. She sought the victims and witnesses of a certain Crime that occurred long ago in a Mansus long gone, so that she could make it as if it had never existed.
Regardless of their other motives, they were all salivating at the prospect of uncovering the forgotten knowledge and no doubt potential eager followers that awaited in the mysterious Hall of Silence, where those Taken by the Spider are left to languish forever.
===Crime of the Sky===After many years of preparation, the Bayali finally finished the ritual that they believed would allow them to summon the Dead from the Hall of Silence successfully. Under any other circumstances, attempting to call upon something that was already Dead would immediately draw the attention of the Dolomedes and result in the swift death of the transgressor. However, the High Magi of the Second Flood were confident they would not be interrupted by the Spider this time.
While the entirety of Bayal worked towards gathering the massive amount of resources required to bridge the Hall of Silence and the living world, the Hours prepared for an attack on the Moon. FNORD
A massive, week-long festival was held in anticipation for the ritual, for soon the people of Bayal believed they would become an immortal people. Depraved rituals were practiced freely, and many people are said to have either gambled away their souls or murdered each other freely, believing it of no consequence considering they'd live forever. This debauchery and yearning for eternal life was sensed by the Peacock in the Mansus, and is believed to have been a great influence of the Young Hour's worldview. Conversely, enemies of the Peacock blame the Broken-Bird for corrupting the people of the Second.
At the culmination of the festival, the magi of the Second Flood gathered in the heart of the grand palace and performed their ritual. The release of a great deal of Knock power served as the signal to the Hours, whom commenced their assault.
===War in Heaven===
The Birds assaulted the Hall of Silence in grand fashion, in a manner never before seen before or since. The flow of Dead to the Mansus was temporarily universally disrupted as the Spider's attention was focused on defending its realm from invaders. The Spider had long avoided becoming involved in the politics of the Mansus and Histories below, and that was not coming back to haunt it. It stood largely alone against the onslaught of four Hours. As feared as the Ferryman was and rightfully so, the Ferryman found itself overrun with many enemies at once.
Some Hours however stood against the invasion. The Anaconda, Name of the Great Serpent, did FNORD dem birb bois.
As the Hours' servants made landfall on the Moon and entered the Hour of Finality's domain, they broke through many barriers and seals, heedless of their purpose in their mission to free the Dead. The Moon was engulfed in Knock energy as the Flood maintained a bridge between the Moon and the Second History. At first, it seemed as if the Second Flood would succeed in their goal of raising the Dead and seceding from Death on their own terms.
However, disaster struck. Not all of the seals and bindings placed upon the moon were there simply for the purpose of keeping the Dead trapped. A number of these kept dark, long forgotten powers contained harmlessly in the heart of the Hall of Silence, their bindings loosed, infused with new Knock power unknowingly provided by the Flood, they stirred once more... and '''Lashed Out'''.
The Second Flood were caught totally off guard as the Knock power in their chamber skyrocketed. The rate of Dead arriving from the Moon changed from a manageable trickle to an unstoppable tide. Finally, with the sound of a mountain crumbling and a thousand chattering insects, the portal to the Moon tore and ruptured outward, growing to unmanageable proportions. Only a handful of members of the Second Flood managed to escape, using all their knowledge and command of Knock to feel before the tide utterly engulfed them with their fellows.
The Revels around the city all stopped at once as a buildup of power was sensed from the Palace at the center of their city. Every eye in the city watched as the Palace of Adonibaal, their Lord, their Master, swelled and burst outwards, disgorging a tide of Dead that was without end.
The Blight had begun.

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