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The Insidious

6 bytes added, 05:11, 28 August 2018
=== Servants ===
* '''Shade''' ({{Aspect|Knock|12}}) : A lone fragment of the greater horde, the shade has but an echo of power, but that power is still formidable. Knock to bring it, Winter to shackle it. In its presence cracks widen and the features of those nearby fade into amorphous anonymity. It is a Shades are potent agent agents of infiltration but seeks seek dearly a way back to the rest of itselfthemself.
* '''The Prince''' ({{Aspect|Moth|12}}) ({{Aspect|Lantern|12}}): Lantern to lure him, Heart to convince him that this is worth his time. The Prince radiates careful power like a caged sun, his words are sharper than any blade, he knows secrets about you that you wouldn't dare to dream of. It is uncertain whether he has no shadow, or whether he is the shadow. "Deceptions upon deceptions, the very skin is a lie. Truth is the key and the knife."

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