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The Ferric Brand

62 bytes added, 14:30, 18 June 2019
=== Appearance ===
The Ferric Brand takes the appearance of a two-faced bust wrought of a cold silver. On one side is One face bares the contorted face contortions of a once beautiful woman, her eyelids are peeled back and her lips have been removed creating a freakish smileclipped back like hair, shining teeth stuck in permanent grin. On the opposite face Opposite is the smooth mask like face of what might be a man, though only the barest of features remain. It sits expressionless, only small pieces thin worms of razor wire line burrow their way to the inside of its nostrils and eyeless sockets. Blood pours freely from condenses amidst the eyes and nose linings of the male sidetheir openings.
=== Principles ===

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