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The Princess Prominent

257 bytes added, 12:37, 17 July 2019
* [[The Spirarch]]: Like a mundane cat, the Princess Prominent has been known to climb the Spirarch, bounding about from branch to branch. Using the Spirarch as a scratching post is strictly prohibited, after the last few incidents. It's unclear if she actually recognizes that the tree is the Spirarch, and hence an Hour, or if she sees it as just another sort of toy.
* [[The Perennial]]: It is beneath the dignity of the Princess Prominent to go down to the tide and hurt her paws on broken glass. She recognizes that it is a kindred spirit, another Hour of many faces, but she simply does not care.
* [[The Red LadyFaceless King]]: An annoyed hiss. The Princess Prominent has a feline nose, and she cannot stand the reek that the Red Lady brings with her. SometimesDislike, in her face as the Ravageryes, she makes attempts but also mockery to consume the Red Lady if that extreme. What a stupid Hour ventures too close.this is!
* [[The Hunter]]: Dislike, almost turning to hatred. The Princess Prominent enjoys the hunt as any cat or cat-shaped being must. She does not, however, approve of the Hunter's infallibility, nor is she unaware of her own beastly form. The face of the Life-Bringer is the only one which will even tolerate his presence.
* [[The Masquerade]]: When the Princess Prominent views this Hour as anything more than another piece of the Mansus' landscape, she probably will not let anyone know.
* [[The Monument]]: Like the Spirarch, it is unclear if the Princess Prominent actually recognizes the Monument in its form for the Hour that it is. Certainly she bounds amongst its ruins like any other cat, and cheerfully sharpens her claws on the rotting wood and porous stone. Of all Hours besides the Spirarch, the Monument might have the most grounds to take offense to her.
* [[The Cub]]: Recognition, although it is hard to say what feelings the Princess Prominent has about this Hour. The fractures it introduced into the Histories would one day lead to her birth. And yet, the Cub prevents her from engaging in catlike behaviors, such as sharpening her claws on the Spirarch. She seems to be resigned to its "meddling" presence, if nothing else.
* [[The SeraphInk]]: The Princess Prominent does not hear music like a human does. Entrancing, bombastic song is a painful cacophony races to her ears. Those who ask her to spill and fro inside the secret of his origin are sometimes told instead where he currently lurks in Scriptorium, terrorizing the Mansus, Secretarians and causing catastrophe and to ask him themselveschaos wherever she treads. She does seem disappointed if But maybe she discovers that they havendoesn't been killed or driven mad afterwardsdislike the Ink. Maybe. No one can prove anything.
* [[Flint-and-Steel]]: The Princess Prominent has spoken of its crafting abilities with respect. With the Flint-and-Steel sparking often, and the Princess Prominent being made of fur, she is often nervous when in its presence. However, it makes her toys, and when she has been denied permission to play on the Spirarch or inside the Monument, the Flint-and-Steel's toys please her greatly.
* [[Our Lady Betrayed]]: The Ravager has often been called upon to wreak vengeance on humans for the sake of other humans. All the faces of the Princess Prominent know Our Lady Betrayed, but only the Ravager will seat itself in her lap and demand that she scratch behind its ears. Still, even the Life-Bringer will sit near her feet, patiently listening to her.
* [[The Fool Unrepentant]]:What an excellent Hour! The Princess Prominent will watch every story the Fool wishes to share... and maybe even the ones that it doesn't. They might not share the same taste in stories, but isn't that how better stories are made to begin with? And if people didn't have differing and even objectively wrong preferences, there would be no need for dogs.
* [[The Worm Funktastic]]: Saxophone music hurts her ears terribly. She does not dare enter the Foundations, not with that "horrid instrument" being played. When the Worm Funktastic leaves the Foundations to seek out new audience members, the Princess Prominent makes herself scarce in the Woods and other places.
* [[]]:
* [[The Rotted Ox]]: If cats could roll their eyes, the Princess Prominent would do so. The Rotted Ox is a reeking, depressive Hour that demands stagnation for the sake of stagnation. If the Princess Prominent was a tomcat, she would pee on it. As the face of the Life-Bringer, she does indeed pee on anything it likes that she can get near.
* [[The Morning Star]]:What larks! The Princess Prominent is delighted that this, too, backfired on the Succulent Glow. It should be fun to see what comes next. Has the Fool performed this story, too?
* [[Our Lady's Resolve]]: The Princess Prominent gathers secrets, and sometimes, when the moon is full and certain constellations have travelled behind the sun, she visits Our Lady and sits at her feet. Sometimes, sometimes, she might speak a secret or two to that Hour. The Princess Prominent will deny everything, of course.
* [[The More-Opened]]: No. The Princess Prominent does most things because she can, but the "because I could" that the More-Opened represents disgusts even her. She will have nothing to do with it.