The Rotted Ox

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The Rotted Ox
""The end that will one day come.""
Origin Stone
Titles The Ragged Mass
The Seer of Rags and Ruin
Names Dust Singer
Aspects Winter
Date of arrival The Place Before
Owner(s) beardedtree24

The Rotted Ox is the twenty-fourth hour and is written by BeardedTree. A god from stone with a sole winter aspect and is a god of inevitable endings and stagnation. It seeks to bring the ending that was denied the ending that will one day come.


The Rotted Ox is one of the first hours and was from the place and time that was before the Manus or perhaps something else. As part of the old powers of ending the Rotted Ox relished in the stasis of that places dying moments and sought to ensure its final end. When that place died its ending was only the beginning, not final end that the Rotted Ox sought, ruining stasis it brought. As when the The Mother Bear awoke the glory was rekindled and life began anew. This may have forestalled final end but not stopped it and the Rotted Ox now works to bring the end that will one day come.



The Rotted Ox appears as a large and aged minotaur skeleton with scraps of withered flesh still clinging to its bones. In one of his Bony hands aged and gnarled wooden staff from which an hourglass hangs is held in one hand.


Stagnation, stasis and the inevitable end. They say the Rotted Ox once gazed into the fabric of time and learned what it holds now as the first and only truth. Progression and change mean nothing if will be nought but dust in the end. Those who follow the Rotted Ox are often naysayers and doom seekers disillusioned with life and its ever-changing ways. Sometimes those who whatever reason who wish for a state of static balance or normality may seek the Rotted Ox. But those who beseech the Rotted Ox can be enthralled by his vision and so too believe in the inevitable end that will one day come.










In the depths of the wood, there is a dark fetid swamp. The swamp is filled with decrepit old ruins and lost mementoes, choked with slime and weeds, slowly sinking deeper into the swamp. This is the domain of the Rotted Ox, where he plots and spreads his influence working to bring the end that will one day come.



See Also